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Primary School of Bronislaw Wanat in Moszczenica consists of 242 students learning in twelve classes. Since 1st September 2007 the head of the school has been Mrs Barbara Bogdan. She was appointed to the position of the headmistress as a result of the election. At our school there are 22 teachers employed according to their qualifications. The teaching staff improve their skills by constant obtaining degrees of a promotion career.

The school works in a manner of single-shifts and teaching is done in very good conditions. There are aesthetic, high-tech and well-equipped in teaching aids classrooms. A secretary office, a headmistress cabinet, a medical room and sanitary rooms have been renovated. Our students get high teaching results. They achieve a higher level than boundary and provincial results.

English is taught from the first class, because our school takes care of the comprehensive development of our pupils and preparing them to live in integrated Europe. All the students can develop their particular interests by taking part in a choir class, instrumental, art and origami clubs. Our school has several dynamically active students' organizations, such as: a student government, PCK ( Polish Red Cross) and LOP (League of Protection Nature). Every year our school organizes coach trips and trekking in the close environment. It is a part of extra curriculum activities including education and care of our regional traditions. Our students go on pilgrimages to Saint Mary's sanctuaries or other religious places.

The teaching staff compensate some students' lack of knowledge by organizing Polish and Maths teaching-compensatory classes from class 4 to 6 and corrective-compensatory classes for children's integrated education. The teachers make corrective exercises for our students with the abnormal curvature of the spines.

One of the main tasks of our school is to take care of keeping our students fit. They take part in sports classes on the sports fields and in a gym, which is in the better condition after the complete renovation. The students build up their physical fitness in Sports School Club and the wrestling section classes.

The tutelary-educational activities are also the important tasks. The tradition of our school are the tourist trips of children's integrated education on so called "Green Schools" and arranging the summer play centre for the children at their place of living. There is an after-school club for the keen students and the others waiting for the public transport after lessons. The majority of our students eat delicious meals at a school canteen. The school provides care for the family of low incomes who receive a compensation for children's lunches from the social welfare. Since January 2003 school has organized a transport for children from remote corners of Moszczenica.

The teaching staff actively cooperate with parents and they together organize festivals, such as: Vowing of the students from the first classes, St. Nicholas' Day, Class Christmas Eves, Mother's Day, International Children's Day, Sports Day and so on. Our students take part in the local community life by preparing very interesting school celebrations and drama performances, such as: a patriotic school celebration of the Country's Independence Anniversary, meeting with teachers on Teacher's Day, ceremony of the Earth Day.

Our school publishes the school calendars including the students' pictures. Two compact discs with carols have been recorded by our school choir. The school has recently formed an educational and ecological path, "Priest's Forest" ("Księży Las") for our students, who will get to know the "forest" ecosystem better.

Prepared by Mrs Renata Konieczny


Prepared by Mr Waldemar Piotrowski© Copyright Primary School MoszczenicaLast updated: 12th of April 2008